YPO Certified Forum style workshops for members and Moderators. Forum group tune-ups and team offsite to supercharge group dynamics. Mentoring and Coaching. Personal 1 on 1 as well as Mentoring workshops for groups. We deliver mentoring workshops for organisations helping managers be better mentors and coaches in their teams. |
Culture Transformation. Changing the Culture within your groups, changes the game you succeed in the industry. Unique proprietary training methods to build Accountability and Culture transformation workshop in groups. Based on New York best selling author of the books: "The Oz Principle", "Change the Culture, Change the Game" and "How did that happen"
YPO Certified facilitatorKris has been a certified facilitator / trainer with YPO since 2003. She is certified by YPO International on Forum Fundamentals, Forum Moderator as well as Mentoring workshops. She also helps forum to do "Tune up", Forum Retreats as well as conducts 4-steps forum sessions.
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